
Improved and developed society of DALITS in SOCIO, ECONOMIC & POLITICAL FIELDS.
Build up morale and self confidence through quality and value Education among Dalit children.
Bring up the economic status of Dalits through cottage industries to create awareness and strengthen the Dalits on Human rights, and economic development.
Elimination of castisim (Untouchabilities ), preventing of domestic violence, women rights, human rights, child rights, health and hygiene, economic development, encouraging organic farming and importance of education.
Over the years we have helped more than 3500 children for getting quality education through our evening centers.
We have formed 60 women self-help groups through which we guided to save sum of rupees more than 5 laks rupees, and these women groups are involved in the micro credit activities by themselves under monitoring of PWC.
People have realized the importance of education and started admitting the children to the schools.
Over the years PWC has been conducted 132 health education and hygienic programmes, conducted 30 eye camp regarding the eradication cataract with PIMS (Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science) Hospital, involved in the intensive pulse polio programme with government hospitals at the PWC working areas.
PWC arranged dress and school kits for 70 disabled students in different villages , and PWC arranged financial assistance for 35 widows , abundant girl and mentally retarded person.
Every year PWC arranging school kits for 12 villages children who are studying in the PWC NFE Schools.
At the time of Tsunami affected period we arranged basic amenities like food, dress.
PWC arranging essential needs and financial assistance to the victim during community violence and accident case in the name of community.
Since 2010 till date PWC have arranged computer education for 140 Dalit youth both men and women. Some of them found job and working in Pondicherry , Chennai and various companies and hospitals.
Cottage industries : PWC has been arranged rope making works, and coconut leaves mat working for the development of rural women .Now this activities going very well with less profit, it makes some women to happiness and to feed for their children as well their education development.